Q: I can not find the answer to my question. Does this site have search capability?
A: Yes. Please go to our Search page.
Q: What does one study to become an emergency medical technician?
Q:  I understand that you do not bill for ambulance services, but I would still like to make a donation. How do I do that?
A:  We are very grateful for any donations. Please see our Donations page.
Q: What happens when I call 911?
Q:  How can I obtain information about joining the Ambulance Corps?
Q:  Do you have any home health care loan equipment that I may borrow?
A:  We may. Click here.
Q:  How do I arrange for an ambulance to take me home from the hospital?
A:  Contact us to schedule a pre-arranged nonemergency transportation.
Q:  How do I arrange for an ambulance to take me home from the hospital?
A:  Contact us to schedule a pre-arranged nonemergency transportation.
Q:  Do you have any home health care loan equipment that I may borrow?
A:  We may. Click here.
Q:  How can I obtain information about joining the Ambulance Corps?
Q: What happens when I call 911?
Q:  Am I going to get a bill from you for ambulance service?
A:  No!! All of our services are provided free of charge.

However, if advanced life support services are provided by paramedics, you may receive a bill from their hospital. In some cases, these services are called "ambulance service" on the hospital bill. These are really advanced life support services provided by paramedics while you were in the ambulance, and we do not receive any portion of this.

In an emergency, all emergency responders may be indistinguishable from one another, and there may not always be time to introduce ourselves and answer all of your questions, especially if the situation is serious. If you do receive a bill, be sure to check who sent it.

You will never receive a bill from us, either directly or indirectly.
Q:  I understand that you do not bill for ambulance services, but I would still like to make a donation. How do I do that?
A:  We are very grateful for any donations. Please see our Donations page.
Q: What does one study to become an emergency medical technician?

This page was last updated on May 21, 2005

Q: I can not find the answer to my question. Does this site have search capability?
A: Yes. Please go to our Search page.